Hi Rockstars!
How is your posture lately?
Today we are going to talk about both correct and incorrect posture for all instruments. Often we forget that if we want to change the way we play, we have to adjust how we position ourselves to the instruments. Whether it be changing hands, back and the weight on your feet, changing your posture can improve your technique and confidence on your instrument.
Correct singing posture for vocalists - side-on
Correct posture for voice
- Leaning on the balls of your feet – even weight distribution
- Pretend your head is suspended with a piece of string – this straightens your back
- Place your thumb on your sternum and push upwards gently –this primes your diaphragm
- Head is looking straight ahead – not too far down, not too far up
Common mistakes for singers
- Slouched
- Bum out
- Pelvis out
- Chin up
- Chin down
- Leaning behind your heels
Correct sitting posture for pianists
Correct posture for piano:
- Finger tips on the keyboard
- Fingers slightly arched and parallel to the keyboard
- Back straight
- Weight on the balls of your feet
A close-up of good piano posture - notice how the fingers are not lop-sided or angled away
Common mistakes for pianists:
- Flat fingers on the keyboard
- Fingers curved and arched away / perpendicular from the keyboard
- Hunched over the board
Correct guitar posture - sitting
Correct posture for guitar:
- Thumb parallel to the neck
- Slightly arched fingers that leave room and gap for strings to travel through
- Back is straight
- Head is looking straight ahead
For normal fretting - the thumb at the back of the neck is a good option. For guitar bends, you may like to put your thumb over the neck - but still remain parallel. Curl your wrists to leave a strong gap - this prevents palm muting by your fretting hand.
Common mistakes for guitarists:
- Thumb perpendicular to the neck
- Flat fingers that mute the open strings
- Back slouched
- Head over the fretboard
And that’s it!
You are on your way to great posture and even better technique on your musical instrument!
If you found this helpful, please share it with someone you know who is interested in music lessons.
Have a great week!