Guitar, Singing & Piano Lessons in Manningham - Term 2 2020 - Online Music Lessons

Term 2 2020 - Online Music Lessons


Dear family of Leaders of Rock,


First of all, thank you all so much for adapting to our changing times.


It has been amazing to see so many of you in our online guitar, piano and singing lessons. All our staff have loved teaching online, and seeing so many of you continue learning an instrument, and rocking out on camera, inspires us to teach better every day.


Here is a written update on what will happen in Term 2 2020 for Leaders of Rock music school.

  1. Term 2 2020 will begin on Monday 13 April 2020 and conclude on Friday 26 June 2020. Term 2 music lessons are conducted online via your preferred conferencing app. Face to face music lessons will resume when Stage 3 Restrictions are lifted for non-essential activities in Victoria. The apps we use include: Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, Google Hangouts, Facetime

  2. One free trial lesson is offered to all students to come online and learn their instrument with their teacher.

  3. Our Mid Year Concert will be postponed to Saturday 12 September for social distancing reasons. We also want to support live music venues in Melbourne when they are back on their feet and in smooth operations.   

Other ways to connect with us:

  • Please download the Whatsapp application on your phone and request to be in our Whatsapp Group by texting Justin on 0424496550.


We thank you all for keeping music alive!


Go make some music today!

Team Rock

Fabio, Evelyn, Noah and Justin