COVID-19 Update: Term 3 2020 Music Lessons
We made it through the first wave.
So we can make it through the second wave!
Thank you everyone for being understanding and sticking with this music school.
We all hope that you have ample amounts of rest in these holidays after such a busy term in Term 2.
In light of recent announcements of Victoria’s restrictions, we are returning to online music lessons in Term 3 2020. Only when it is safe to do so, and Stage 3 Restrictions are lifted, shall we return to face to face music lessons.
Here’s what you need to know:
Term 3 2020 starts next week for all Leaders of Rock music students week commencing Monday 13 July.
Term 3 2020 ends Saturday 19 September 2020
All students who have not tried an online lesson before, may sit two free trial lessons with their teacher to see if it suits. It is only fair, as last term’s cohort got the same deal.
We’re so much more experienced as online music teachers! Lesson quality will be just as good 😃 We are so ready to teach you!
Instruments / accessories : I am going on a shopping trip for work on Saturday to the music store. Let me know if you need any instruments to start your lessons - picks, straps, drum practice pads, drum sticks, keyboards etc. I’ll get it for you, deliver to your door and you can pay me back 😃
· All enrolment enquiries - please email or call Justin.
That’s all for short term announcements. .
See you all online next week! .
Team Rock